Friday, October 27, 2017

OUGD602: Updated Shop Photos

I had updated product photos for my online shop done by a photography student in preparation for relauching new products in the coming year and for a craft fair in November. I wanted the images to be more vibrant and colourful so that the minimalistic designs would be more prominent within the images and I'm happy with the results. I think it does exactly that and it will be good to have updated professional images compared to my old ones that were just taken in halls. 

OUGD602: You've Got Mail Notes

You've got mail - Real.

Make something physical we can send to someone. Make something physical to send to at least one person on your list.

Next friday, present documentation of the product.
Show me that you've sent it. Ideally if you're quick enough, you might even get a reply in time to tell us about too.

Add that to your presentation.
Make a meaningful and lasting first impression.

Don't overthink it, this is just an icebreaker for now.

If you're planning a grander gesture, consider this a practice run.

The only rule is that it needs to be physical.
1 minute pitch you can explain the rationale for sending to the person in question.

Let the context of who you choose inform the design and tone.

How can we draw a parallel between what they do and what they wanna do.

Ensure the final thing is produced to a professional standard.

Use good stock, communicate a simpler idea if it means it won't get destroyed in the post.

Inject some personality into it.

Catch someones eye.

Make sure the recipient can easily trace it back to you.

Any evidence of a response could be crowned "task champion."

OUGD602: Remastered Exhibition

This exhibition was dotted around university. 

Saturday, October 21, 2017

OUGD602: Overcoming Obstacles | Maya Jama | TEDxYouth@ISA

Maya Jama is one of my personal role models. She is the embodiment of a strong and powerful woman and she's only 23. She had gone through family obstacles in her life but still continued with her television passion which developed into a career.

People always see the end credits and what people's lifes are like as they're successful. You hardly ever see the grind unless you look for talks like this. Maya talks about motivating herself and her personal life mixed with trying to get her dream career. She talks about her life being perfect at 16, with her "happy bubble" of her boyfriend and her career and she was in London but in an accident her boyfriend was killed and she realised life isn't fair.

I found second year really hard emotionally and listened to a few of these kind of talks and they always reiterate that the negative and harder times don't last forever they're temporary and hardships are a part of life. Always keep in vision the idea you had at the beginning no matter what happens through life.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

OUGD602: Cool For Crafts Festive Arts Market - Craft Fair

This year I wanted to do a craft fair. My friend sent me an advertisement that Girl Gang Leeds wanted creatives to apply for tables at this festive market. I've been offered a table and will be attending and selling products from my shop ( 

Thursday, October 12, 2017

OUGD602: Young Love, an Exhibition by Ewen Spencer

"Today we stay younger longer and become grown up sooner. The successes of making any sort of story around youth is to recognise that we've all been there at sometime in our lives. Being a Teenager is life a concentrated moment of the human condition - all of the successes and pitfalls all being played out in one messy drama."
- Ewen Spencer

This exhibition was based in Village in Leeds. Although I think the images and quote on the wall are strong and representative of a reckless teenage love. I see it as more frivolous and kissing strangers in clubs and public spaces not so much love. Love has a deeper connection even if your young and doesn't look like how it does in these images but it is a good concept and I like that it's quite a small exhibition.

OUGD602: Time Table - Potential Things To Do/Visit For PPP

-18th October - Love Arts Highlights Exhibition - The Light
-LCA Remastered - October
-Nov 4th/5th - Leeds Print Fair
-Nov 11th - Girls Make Art 2: Reclaiming Pink
-Nov 26th - Girl Gang Leeds Craft Fair
-Dec 2nd/3rd - Etsy Made Local


Other - Can Do Whenever:

-Leeds Art Gallery
-Yorkshire Sculpture Park
-The Tetley, look at it as a space.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

OUGD602: New Product Shots For My Shop

On 09/10/17 I asked Kim (a photography student) to take new product shots for me. I wanted the new product photos to be more fun and colourful because my last ones were shot mostly on a white background and looked quite unprofessional. I think this will make the products stand out more against the bright and pastel paper. 

This also gives me the opportunity to reboot my shop and work on it more over third year to release new products over the final year.