Thursday, November 12, 2015

OUGD402: 10 Year Presentations

Before uni, I used to blog and own a little online shop - this slide was what I did before uni and the following slides are what I wanted to do in the future.

Feedback after presenting:

Reflecting back on this I feel like my goals aren't big enough. They're very business based whereas I would like to think I will achieve more with my life than just a view count and becoming a company. I would like to travel more and do more with my life. 

3 Things about other people's presentations that made them good:

Humour in presentations:
I think this aspect of presentations makes them memorable and takes the nerves away. It adds a personal element to the presentation too instead of just answering questions given.

Visual presentations:
The presentations that only had images and the person explaining what they wanted to do seemed better than the ones with words because then the person could just talk about what they were interested in instead of the people watching reading the words whilst the presenter says them.

It was also nice that people linked videos in their presentations. It showed they researched beyond images and adding text to their presentations.

It was really nice to see people being passionate about what they wanted to do in the future and talking about their ambitions and what they were motivated to do in the future.

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