Saturday, January 14, 2017

OUGD502: Reflective Learning - Design Production

On this course it is equally as important to identify what you don't enjoy as much as what you do enjoy. This is an imperative part of developing your practise because it helps you to distinguish what you want to specialise in for your career. At this moment in time I have absolutely no idea what I want to specialise in with Graphic Design. I loved the part of Design Production in studio brief 01 of creating a book and finding a supplier and going through the manufacturing process of hand making one and getting one created in industry standard. It was an exciting process to see something digital come to life and become a physical thing. The practical side and ambition is something I will continue to endeavour within my practice.

However, the design for screen is something I had never really done before. I had tried to be as ambitious as possible and did as much research for the project to try get an understanding and insight on interface design. I feel like I had learned so much for studio brief 02 because I knew nothing before. I didn't like this as much because it was all digital. It's not something I'm personally interested in although I think it is a wonderful part of the practise. It's not something I can imagine myself doing although I would like to learn more about designing for screen. I won't completely write it off but it didn't engage my interest as much as studio brief 01.

I learned a lot about myself too within this module about how far I can push myself to do things. I accomplish more the more ambitious I am because I have to work to my own deadlines and schedules. This helps maintain my time management and balance other modules between.

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