Tuesday, February 7, 2017

OUGD502: Visiting Professional - Claire - Studio 12

Studio 12 is open to 16 to 30 year olds in Leeds Library. It's a free space with a sound booth in with a photography studio with a green screen and macs with the whole adobe suite. Studio 12 started in 2002. They wanted to create a studio that was accessible to everyone. Incase they couldn't afford to go to university or come from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Their main objectives:

  • They empower people that are passionate about their culture. 
  • They want to engage with young people living in Leeds and create a unique learning experience using new technology and non-digital resources. 
  • This enables young people to become the producers of new media content. 
  • The want to empower young people to transfer and further develop their skills in new environments and provide knowledge of and everyday access to the wide resources of library service. 
  • It's the people that come to them's projects that are the most important.

Writing Britain

"Live how you sleep. Live how you dream."
Wanted to showcase what the disadvantage young people of Leeds really thought. They went through processes of finding people and letting them work with poets etc to create pieces.  They developed their writing then they story boarded and produced films working with people from London to produce the films. 

British Art Show 8

They wanted to make a point of getting more women into tech because it's mainly a male dominant profession. They expressed dual culture. They like to do showcase events to empower people.

Studio Masterclass

BBC 1xtra live.  They gave students one to one advice on their music production. Studio 12 created a event called Women in Music which was a Q&A session bringing a network event for all the women in music in Leeds all together. Words First is another project, all these new projects bring people into them. 

Breeze Arts Festival

Mostly in the summer they do film workshops with people. They teach them how to film and edit.

Leeds Zine

New little project this year. Going to be having an exhibition in room 700 in Leeds Central Library. Asking designers, artists, poets to put their work into the exhibition. Hopefully to celebrate Leeds heritage, culture etc on  Saturday 28th March. 

What they do as well is people can come in with their show reel and help to adapt that and make it as good as possible. Graduate students can come with portfolios and look at how to update them. 

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