Monday, November 6, 2017

OUGD602: How to write effectively about your work

What is it responding to, trying to solve, improving or communicating? 

Pick your favourite project -  now use the elevator pitch to exercise: 

Use one sentence that covers everything. 

What, How & why?

  • What is the core idea? - Consist and clear introduction.

  • How does it work? - Punchy, summary how it does what its trying to do?

  • Why does it work? - What is the drive behind it, what are you trying to change in the world, why is the current thing not working and how does your project solve it? Why this innovation is necessary 

Reduce this down. Not be repetitive, strip it back to its essential elements.


Favourite project from last year:

Thirsty Planet Campaign 

  • The core idea is to promote drinking water to everyone.

  • It's an app that is designed to track your water intake and reward you for drinking.

  • It's interactive and sociable you can keep track with friends and reminds you to drink whereas people usually forget to.

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