Saturday, March 24, 2018

OUGD602: Glug Leeds - Ladies, Wine and Design

Last night was Glug Leed's Ladies, Wine and Design networking talk.

Last night was Glug Leed's Ladies, Wine and Design networking talk.

Glug is a networking event for creatives.

With talks from the likes of Malia Persson - Glug HQ, Cari Kirby - Team Cooper, Olivia Downing - Chicks in Advertising and Ellen Ling - Love Creative.

Each talk was inspiring because it was honest and real. Ellen Ling gave tough love advice and a guide on survival within getting into the creative industry. It was also sweet she spoke about moving from D&AD to Love Creative for love.

My favourites were:

Malia Persson

This is because she spoke about finding Glug through someone else's FaceBook status of having a spare ticket. She also spoke about what she called "Oh Shit's" which she described as moments where she tried something new because she had to. Examples of this is when she went to uni and moving from place to place in different countries for education and jobs although she is originally from Sweden. Moving to university is scary enough let alone to different countries so each time she moved was an "Oh Shit" moment. This makes me want to be braver in the choices I make. I currently don't know what I'm doing after uni but I am open to moving locations for work and opportunities if they arise. My heart is constantly torn between London and Leeds. I always think London has more opportunities because that is the initial stigma, if you want to find a good job you move to London. However, it is more expensive to live there generally and living costs 

Cari Kirby 

Cari spoke about flexible working. She worked 10 years at a job she was good at and enjoyed then she had her first child and found it hard to work the same job. She then had her second son and she brought up that's when she became a statistic that most women leave their work when they become mums. That's when she knew she had to adapt to flexible working. It doesn't matter what environment she works in as long as she completes the task. This made me think about balance. It's incredibly hard to balance life, work, uni, social aspects and then hobbies with other things you want to make time for but it's ALL about trying to balance and being flexible with certain things. Prioritise what you need to do. Make time for things that are not negotiable and put time in for things that are where you have free time to but it's not impossible to work and have a family life.

Olivia Downing

I was inspired by Olivia's talk because she spoke about doing so much at such a young age and making your own luck. She said people constantly say "you're so lucky" but it's like no I worked hard to be in the position I am and do the things I am able to do. This makes me want to do more and take more opportunities within the creative industry and just with my goals in general because there is nothing to lose there are only gains. Failing at least means you tried.


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