Monday, January 11, 2016

OUGD402: Alphabet Design Studio - The Tetley

This morning I met up with Abbas from Alphabet. He talked me through work and aspects of design and gave me advice on being a first year. He showed me some projects Alphabet are currently working on and how to present your work to clients which I found really helpful because it gave me an insight on how to present my work. We also spoke about how there is an expectation of designers to accept the fact that they have to be stressed and that they have to be financially unstable whereas realistically you could make money from what you're doing and enjoy it. We also spoke about charging fee's for freelance work which I had no idea about. We then met Seb and Sam and I had a look around the studio. It is a nice creative space, even though it is new it had some really interesting pieces and interior design including different types of wood furniture they had made. I really like the idea of a small space of like minded creatives in a working environment. I feel like it would be innovative having people with good ethics around you and it seperates work from home life. They are a lovely group of people that show what hard work, passion and dedication can lead up to. They are alumni graduates from 2014 but they have already done amazing projects and demonstrate that key factor to success and exposure such as setting up social media presence can lead up to. I found meeting them really motivational because a design studio could be a potential future prospect. It was good to get insights from people that have done the degree I am doing and speak to them in a more in depth level.

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