Thursday, October 27, 2016

OUGD502: First Collaborative Session

What you did:
The course was split into 3 groups and we played Banana Magnet. After we went off into the illustration room with animation we were split into random pairs. Beth and I were put together and we got the words "Calm" and "Electric" from our surnames from Banana Magnet to create "Calm Electric." We thought of the concept of creating an electricity service from renewable energy sources. It would be connected to a wrist piece you would wear to monitor your sleep, steps and respiratory system so you could create energy from doing relaxing things. We would advertise this through social media and viral video. Unfortunately our idea didn't make it to the second round but this is when we decided to join a group called "Sausage Rain" which was essentially a concept for a range of different sauces. This placed us in a group of 6 other people from all practises and we managed to create a strong concept and other practical parts of the project.

What you learned:
You don't always get to chose what you want to do. The "Sausage Rain" concept wasn't my favourite initially but was more invested into it as we discussed it more. Also the final group idea for the slugs wasn't my favourite. A group of 50+ students was a lot of people all working at once.

What you achieved:
I feel more confident speaking in groups now. I know that people want to hear your ideas and it's better to at least say something than to say nothing. We learned to pitch as a group and to each other as we were pitching all day. I feel like I have the confidence to expose my ideas initially and challenge other people's ideas to develop a good product.

It was refreshing to work with people from different disciplines as we all approach things from a different aspect and angle. Illustrators and animators tackle projects and aspects of work that sometimes I wouldn't even consider as a Graphic Designer.

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