Thursday, October 13, 2016

OUGD502: Reflecting On Last Years PPP

This module is about exploring yourself as a designer.

Make a list of everything you found uncomfortable during first year:

  • Presentations
  • Procrastinating
  • Work load - deadlines clashing and crossing over

How I'm going to overcome these issues and progression into second year PPP:

I need to Engage in a much broader context - nationally and internationally. Not limiting myself to working in the town or city that I'm based in. Identify areas of interest in the creative industries. I'm going to make more of an effort to keep on top of every module and not prioritise ones until the deadlines actually come. I also need to get the work done right right away. For example blog posts need to be done on the day given instead of a few days after. For presentations I'm going to watch more talks and people presenting and note methods that they are using to present to audiences.

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