Monday, May 1, 2017

OUGD502: Tea & Talks Update

Throughout second year I have continued Tea and Talks which was a blog originally set up to gain insight on the creative industry through the perspective of students and current practitioners. It became a helpful place for people that wanted honest opinions on LCA as a uni and it was something I would have loved to see when I was applying for university. Since starting it I have been messaged on twitter from people at sixth form and foundation level on my opinions on LCA and been able to direct them to this blog and answered questions honestly. I found it helpful to rechat to people and get new interviews so that the blogs grow up as the students do. 

Future for Tea & Talks. In third year I think I want to create podcasts as interviews because it's fair enough having to read a blog but personally I love listening to people's voices and a podcast is something that has always interested me in doing so for third year I'm going to make it even more interactive and conduct podcast style interviews. 

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