Wednesday, March 16, 2016

OUGD402: Self Evaluation

Self Evaluation:

I almost feel like I should have just done a self branded business card because from speaking to everyone else that is what they almost all done. This is because it shows you as a designer and your contact details but as I have reiterated throughout my blog. I am not a Graphic Designer. 

There's a conflict between seeing yourself as a professional at this level which shows you are confident within your current practise but there is also the underlying fact you are still a student. I am here to learn. So what do I brand myself as? We had been told in a talk to just introduce yourself as Graphic Designer because we essentially are. Through just having an online social media precence it has become apparent to me that you are almost less likely you will get freelance work if you have "Graphic Design Student" in your bio or people take advantage of your work because they think you are lesser because you are a "student." But I don't think either are necesarrily a bad thing I'm just confused as what to brand myself as.

This is why I feel like so far PPP has been my strongest project so far. It is the one module that is personal to you and almost completely what you want to do even though presentations terrify me. The practical aspect depends on how much effort you are willing to put into it throughout the year and I feel as though I have been quite proactive with organising my time for this module. This includes going to studios and exhibitions. Organising the Alphabet one made me feel the most proactive and I hope to continue to do these types of things when I progress to Level 5.

I attempted to arrange a tour and interview at Elmwood Design Studio but a team member informed me that they are more tartgeted toward third years. She said that I could still send over interview questions for my blog ( to gain a better insight before third year.

I hopefully want to keep this blog consistent but I want to develop my own personal self branding. I feel like this was good to do in first year especially because I don't know who I am as a designer yet it gives me a broader range of opinions of the industry from both first years and current creatives. I hope to be more ambitious in my future endeavours with PPP and meet more people within the industry and expand on my own visual identity but I think that the progress I have made in first year was a good start.

 If I was to brand myself I would probably keep with the theme that I am not a Graphic Designer or not just a Graphic Designer because I think that illustration will constantly be a main part in my personal design work. I would hope to encorporate it into my degree. I also think I'm quite a strong conceptual thinker. I hope to develop this further in second year and be more ambitious and proactive.

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