Sunday, April 30, 2017

OUGD502: Reflection From First Year to Now

Past - Level 4

In first year I thought I enjoyed typography and lettering a lot and thought that I would carry that on to second year and have that become my core focus for Graphic Design. I enjoyed hand rendering things and different ways to typeset. I also quite enjoy conceptual thinking behind projects. I was ambitious with projects but scared to gain feedback on my work although it is compulsory. 

Present - Level 5

This year I have experimented with more aspects of Graphic Design and collaborated on more projects with people from other courses. I think I've asked for feedback more because the only way to improve is asking for critical feedback not just approval for work. I also collaborated with an illustration student for responsive which was interesting because people work in different ways and handle projects in different procedures as to how we would on Graphic Design. The process when they get a brief is different. It also helped with time management because another person depends on you and you don't want to let them down. 

Future - Level 6

Progressing on, in Level 6 I think I want to try find an aspect of Graphic Design to specialise in. I do want to experiment with incorporating illustration into work because I had fun doing that in Level 4. I had level 4 and 5 to experiment and see what I enjoyed. I need to narrow it down for level 6. I hope to collaborate with more people from different disciplines because although it's hard in terms of time management and sometimes people are difficult to work with, we will never be in a large place with this many different talented people. 

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