Thursday, April 19, 2018

OUGD602: Things To Do With My Shop & How To Expand It's Reach

I could print projects with  Moo. Take pictures for Instagram, get it touch with them and feature them if i photograph them really nice. more effective would be, package them up real nice send them to head of marketing at moo. Contact address:

Rowena Cumner.
MOO Print Limited,
2nd Floor,
20 Farringdon Road,

Online feedback is important.

I could sell products b to b - which means sell them the designs business to business, goal to try before end of the year - wrap magazine looking at who they're following on insta - send samples, do not allow them to arrive battered go that extra mile.

I had a feature on depop last year and previous years. I think they were featured because depop was just starting out and my photographs had the very simple minimalistic background with white so it fit the aesthetic they were looking for on their featured page. I got notifications daily and updates on purchases and features. I had sold in bulk to a beauty blogger and for christmas presents to put in stockings.

The best sale period was over summer because it's when I was the most active online, I could make my social media presence strong especially on Depop to excel in sales and revenue.  My worst sale periods are when I am focusing on "real life" more than online so it drops because I'm not constantly reuploading products and refreshing them onto peoples timelines.

My shop sales have fluctuated a lot this year because of how much I work and have to concentrate on third year my shop has been put on the back burner but I need to focus more on it after uni and will continue to grow it and create new products.

I still randomly gain sales from Etsy.

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