Sunday, February 7, 2016

OUGD402: Jessica Hische - Grab the Reins and F*cking Do it

I listened to a talk by Jessica Hische and she speaks about intersection of arts and technology through web typography. What I gained from this talk is that you cannot expect good work if you are not willing to put the effort in to create it. I don't know that much about technology design which she mentions at the beginning of this talk and how if you were to take some time and learn the coding and css then you can give that part to a person and make it easier for them to make exactly what you want. If you're not willing to put the time in to learn and expand knowledge about the practise than you're never going to achieve great work. I found this very applicable to how I was at the beginning of the year. I didn't really know how to use the software or even how to use a mac before coming to uni so I've slowly been learning as the first year has progressed on. I know that if I want to make nice things then I have to learn the processes. I'm also trying really hard not to procrastinate with my work because art stuff is a passion, it has to be. If there's not enthusiasm especially at degree level there is no point. I'm going to keep practising with the software and different design techniques and hopefully I will improve.

"If you have a thing that you want to do don't be lazy and just wait because it will take me three weeks to learn it just grab the reins and fucking do it."

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