Wednesday, February 10, 2016

OUGD402: Ted Talk: Carrie Green - Programming your mind for success

Carrie started the talk with a social experiment asking for a volunteer from the audience. For a while nobody had participated. Then someone did eventually in which she gave them £20 then told them to sit back down. She then asked the audience why didn't they volunteer. It might be one of three reasons:

It starts up in your mind. As soon as she asked the question, the audiences mindset adapts and contemplates either one of those reasons why they didn't.

"What is going on your head has such a huge impact on the actions you take and the decisions you make."

"People miss out on opportunities on all of the time because of what's going on in there head, they're making bad decisions on bad thoughts in their mind."

She was running this business but she was miserable, lonely, isolated and lost. Questions like "what is the point of all of this?" circulated in her mind with negative thoughts. She was questioning everything. Becoming more and more self defeatist. She tried to escape and have an epiphany but came back without it. She was suffocated by her problems. Two problems, she wanted to be successful. 

She realised the reason she felt off track from being this motivated, entrepreneurial person is because she was never on track.

"Your destiny is the determined by the choices you make, choose now and choose well."

"I was waking up every single day and focusing on my problems."
If she wanted to achieve incredible things then she had to get her mindset on that level. She had to program her mind to make it happen and for success. 

What I took from this:

It is easy to fall into a negative mindset if you are not doing something you are truly invested in. Be clear on your goals, set high goals for yourself. If you can get your mind to get certain you can make something happen then somehow you can figure out a way. "Living an incredible life is no accident." You have to know what type of person you want to become so you have to act accordingly. I'm going to try set clearer goals for myself and change my mindset from being "I can't do this" to "I can do this." I need to start looking for the positives and being optimistic instead of thinking about what I can't do. I need to envision what I want no matter how unobtainable it may seem and find a way of making it happen. 

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