Wednesday, February 10, 2016

OUGD402: Ted Talks - Scott Geller - The psychology of Self Motivation

"Feeling empowered is self motivation."

Today I listened to a Ted Talk by Scott Geller he had three questions to recognise whether you are competent to be self motivated:

1. Can you do it? - Self efficacy do you believe you can do it, do you have the time knowledge and training?

2. Will it work? - Response efficacy believing behaviour will be the ultimate outcome. Education.
The difference between training and education is school. Training is industry level. You do the behaviour and you get feedback.

3. Is it worth it? This is the motivation question.

If you say yes to those three questions you feel competent to doing worth while work then you feel self motivated. Give feedback and recognition, make people feel self motivated. Show them they are competent.

"Be success seekers instead of failure avoiders."

"I know your motivated but you're not happy." You find that your classmates are in a mindset of you're required to go to class it is not seen as an opportunity to learn. "You get up to an alarm clock not because it's an opportunity clock." I find this attitude in a lot of people and some days I feel like this. In a "I only need to pass" and "I only need 40%" mindset and it's quite unhealthy. I genuinely really enjoy my degree but sometimes it is hard to stay self motivated which is why it is important to surround yourself with people that are motivated.

Independent or interdependent - we are taught to be dependent then independent to assert teenage independence then we get stuck in a "I'll do it myself, I don't need you" we need to move from this independent culture to "I need you and becoming interdependent." Show a people they are competent and that it is a community, teach each other to be self motivated.

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