Monday, March 13, 2017

OUGD502: Presentation Notes

pdf of your presentation

what to cover:
overview of your engagement in the "real-world"

evidence of communication with professionals
placements/internships/studio visits
networking - exhibitions, book / magazine launches, talks, conferences
live briefs and competitions

important - not just a descriptive journal, analyse how this engagement has informed and influenced your overarching practice, aims and ambitions.

talk about it passionately - you haven't just done this for the course.
what is your focus. what are your skills, what are you talented at - i.e. traditional print, issue base design, copy writing..

identify what you don't wanna focus on

professionally presented examples of your work
how are we getting you as a creative out in the world, do you have a brand or identity - what are you doing to get your work out there.

-articulation of your practise (skills, focus, etc...)
-overview of how you communicate your practice
e.g. business cards, letters, emails, social media, website, bechance, etc

important - aim to articulate what you are doing to get your work out there

overview of your learning
-identification of significant learning
-ways of thinking
-important this is always neglected but should underpin overall presentation
culture shift in the way you think and work

what have you learned in second year not just in the classroom but within the outside world as well. your progression, your learning on the course.

overview of the future
what are your plans for the summer
are you travelling
seeing friends from home
what are you doing
ways of thinking
opportunities you're gonna take advantage in level 6 and the summer

what you're gonna concentrate on in third year

third years often taken for granted of being an art student - use everything.
think about what agencies to get in touch with over summer and third year.

make sure it is structured
cover all four sections in a clear and synced way
don't present excuses!!!!!!!!!

your interview doesn't have to be with a graphic designer!!! can work with people relevant to what you wanna do. i.e. media - can be lecturers

ppp is all about your ambitions and engagement not about theory base.

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