Thursday, March 2, 2017

OUGD502: Studio EPS51

Studio EPS51 is a Graphic Design studio that specialise in developing visual concepts across multiple medias. The studio was quite niche big space. They spoke a lot about their projects and some of the business side of being freelance Graphic Designers and what it's like to have your own company. One of the projects that was based on typography was organising arabic text and the complexities of making things readable from right to left and left to right. They spoke about their books that also featured the arabic texts and said it was initially hard to work with it because sometimes you don't know when a word ends and a new one begins. They also work a lot with concepts and the thought process behind even the simplest of designs. They said they didn't know much about the business side when they started because schools don't really teach that. It's difficult to gage your pricing etc and know how much your work is actually worth which I completely agree with. I would never know how much to price a design because its based on time and what the client wants. They said to always be realistic with the clients and yourself. Don't ask for too less because if the end project needs more it ruins relationships with clients and you could end up missing out on a big job. The best way they found getting work is word of mouth such as a client you have worked for enjoying your work then passing on your details to a friend this means that a similar group of people will all be sharing and paying for you work. Also don't accept work from people you don't like because then you will be introduced to other people that you won't like meaning you will create work you fully don't enjoy. Stand your ground with things such as pricing and don't sell yourself short. 

It was a really interesting talk and gave me more perspective on working as a freelance professional with your own business.  

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