Tuesday, October 27, 2015

OUGD402: Planning Ahead

In today's PPP session we learned methods of time keeping. It makes you feel productive and less stressed. Before coming to uni I never used to nap and was very organised with my time. However, since coming here I'm prone to napping and am very disorganised with my time. It feels like there are not enough hours in the day; but in today's session we mapped out our weekly plans and I found that there are actually more hours in the day than I realised. It's all a matter of using time effectively rather than wasting time socialising and using social media. Although sitting in the flat and socialising with friends is fine but in moderation.

I think it is more useful to have a physical copy of something although apps can be helpful to some people and a more convinient as apps such as Productive have reminders on your phone as often as you want them so it is a practical form of time keeping and remembering to do simple task.

I personally like writing lists so I can cross things off once I've done them to feel like I've accomplished things throughout the day and it's easier to just scribble things down. When I lived at home, during A Levels I would put a large blank sheet over the desk and write notes down on the desk and change the sheets whenever I had completed the tasks. They would be helpful as little reminders and more practical to me than having to open an app.

 I have a day planner which I find really helpful. It is divided into different sections so that I can write a list on what to do which is really important and larger segments for other things such as a mind map and important things to remember.

In today's PPP session we were told to write a plan for what we are going to do for the following week:

Thursday, October 22, 2015

What's Happening in November

An "International" event that's happening is Renegade which takes place on Saturday 7th November & Sunday 8th November is a christmas craft fair in London which is held in the Old Truman Brewery, located in East London at 81 Brick Lane and it features a selection of indie-craft goods. It is free to attend from 11am-6pm. I like the idea that it is independent shop owners selling their things and speaking to other indie creatives.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

OUGD402: Yorkshire Sculpture Park



I found Rob Ryan's work very delicate and beautiful. It's all hand cut out which adds a personal element and the quotes are usually about love and connecting with other people. 

 The architecture of the buildings were incredible. The large windows and beige colours made the buildings look rustic and vintage.

 The scenery at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park was so beautiful and autumnal.

I found this incredibly disturbing. I do not like art that combines humans and animals especially at the scale this rabbit was. However, I think the purpose of this type of art is to be controversial and make you evoke emotion from spectating it.

For my logo I'm going to take inspiration from the landscape as a whole rather than an individual structure or art piece because I think the surrounding area best depicts the Yorkshire Sculpture Park rather than the actual sculptures.

OUGD402: Ten Inspiring Things

In today's PPP we discussed different points of inspiration throughout the class and gained knowledge of different platforms people use for inspiration.

One of my personal main points of inspiration is Literature. I think it's important to take yourself out of your own perspective and envision things from someone else's point of view. This can be interpreted through art because in design work you need to be able to interpret things correctly otherwise your work may end up being misconstrued and misinterpreted. I love The Lord of the Rings trilogy and I think this set in particular is designed beautifully, along with The Hobbit.

In other aspects of literature there are design books such as Make Your Own Luck by Kate Moross and Steal Like An Artist by Austin Kleon which are both insightful reads.

Easier forms of inspiration to follow at your fingertips are social media such as Twitter and Instagram. I enjoy following people like Gemma Correll and Sophie Corrigan on Twitter and Instagram because I love their illustrative work.

 However, in todays PPP were were introduced to One Minute Brief's.

I also like following blogs such as Creative Boom, their posts are picture heavy but insightful. I referred back to this blog often during A Level for points of inspiration.

I think outside art experiences are so important and influential to art work. It's what makes your work individual to you. Other things that really inspire me are Marvel films. Marvel films are brilliant for their plots but their overall visual aesthetics are wonderful especially in the Thor films and Guardians of the Galaxy.

I also really enjoy gigs. Before moving to Leeds, my friend told me the "music scene" was meant to be incredible and so far it has been. I've been to a few gigs since being here at the university and have a few more planned. The one I'm most looking forward to is Alt-J in December at the First Direct Arena. Alt-J are one of my favourite bands and I can imagine the atmosphere will be amazing with the type of music they produce. My favourite genre is indie/alternative music or acoustic sounding songs; stuff you can play in the background.

I thought I would round this blog post up with three inspiring things I didn't know of but have gained from the session.

Someone mentioned the blog I Fucking Love Science. It includes all aspects of science as followed: environment, technology, space, health and medicine, the brain, plants and animals, physics and chemistry. I have a personal interest in space. I find it intriguing and interesting to research and it's so beautiful.

A photo of the the Milky Way, taken from the mountains of Sayan, Russia

GoodType. Goodtype's mission is to curate and showcase beautiful letterforms while giving credit where credit is due. We are strength in letters and a community of artists and admirers. 

People of Print began in 2008, it was a library of illustrators, designers and printers both creatively and commercially with the purpose of educating and inspiring. It is based around things that are printed related. Print is something I would definitely be interested in experimenting more with at University.