Sunday, October 11, 2015

OUGD402: The John Peel Lecture with Brian Eno

Today I listened to a podcast by John Peel with Brian Eno. Some interesting points were made, he began discussing the creative industries as subjects such as maths and science are stem subjects and art is seen as not a real subject. He raised the question of "is art a luxury?" as he expressed it's something you do when you come home from your real job, like a hobby. He then expressed that in science if they were asked the understanding of something about the world you would get 20 similar answers because science has definitive answers whereas if you asked someone to interpret something about art you would get 15 different answers and a couple of repeats. This was interesting to listen to because it gives the understanding that art is an interpretation. He then questions "what are we doing when we make art and when we consume it?" My interpretation to the question is that art can be interpreted anyway the person decides to read it visually to different people with different experiences we all view art in different ways so the intention behind the piece may not be perceived the same way by the audience as by the artist.

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