Thursday, October 8, 2015

OUGD402: Design Studios

Today the class was divided into twelve groups then given the task to research and present information based around a design studio. 

My group was given Elmwood. 

They are the world's most effective brand design consultancy. What makes Elmwood unique is that they have created their own set of design tools and they have their own beer and tea brand which means they have a prospective of what it's like designing for the company of a product and being the company of a product. 

Other design studios include:
AHxHA Studios
Hey Studios
Sagmeister & Walsh
Hey Days
Studio Dumbar
Wolf Ollins

What all twelve design studios have in common is that they all do personal work. Things they are genuinely interested in. They each all have teams of people that will bring something new into the company. For example if they employ someone new it would usually be someone who can add something different to their expanding design studios. 

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