Tuesday, October 27, 2015

OUGD402: Planning Ahead

In today's PPP session we learned methods of time keeping. It makes you feel productive and less stressed. Before coming to uni I never used to nap and was very organised with my time. However, since coming here I'm prone to napping and am very disorganised with my time. It feels like there are not enough hours in the day; but in today's session we mapped out our weekly plans and I found that there are actually more hours in the day than I realised. It's all a matter of using time effectively rather than wasting time socialising and using social media. Although sitting in the flat and socialising with friends is fine but in moderation.

I think it is more useful to have a physical copy of something although apps can be helpful to some people and a more convinient as apps such as Productive have reminders on your phone as often as you want them so it is a practical form of time keeping and remembering to do simple task.

I personally like writing lists so I can cross things off once I've done them to feel like I've accomplished things throughout the day and it's easier to just scribble things down. When I lived at home, during A Levels I would put a large blank sheet over the desk and write notes down on the desk and change the sheets whenever I had completed the tasks. They would be helpful as little reminders and more practical to me than having to open an app.

 I have a day planner which I find really helpful. It is divided into different sections so that I can write a list on what to do which is really important and larger segments for other things such as a mind map and important things to remember.

In today's PPP session we were told to write a plan for what we are going to do for the following week:

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