Saturday, October 10, 2015

OUGD402: Light Night

Yesterday I attended Light Night which was located around Leeds city centre. I visited millennium square and town hall. We saw a few projections in millennium square as well as a projection on Leeds College of Art which was interesting to see different colours and designs across the logo as demonstrated in the images above. I was expecting so much more from Light Night. I didn't understand things, they visually were not communicating anything to be besides looking ambiguous such as the giant flamingos, why? The only thing I gained inspiration from is the idea of using light and projection to create interactive imagery and art. My favourite thing was the rainbow room inside town hall. I liked the variations of colours displayed on the lights and the little crevices of light from the red caves within the room. It was a really interesting night and it was good to see so many people interested in this exhibition of work.

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