Monday, May 7, 2018

OUGD602: PPP Evaluation

PPP has been my favourite module for the past three years. I enjoy networking, as demonstrated in first year by starting up my own blog called Tea & Talks where I spoke to students and creatives in regards to the creative industry. Where they wanna go, how they're gonna get there and how they have established themselves. I got responses from the likes of my favourite illustrator Sophie Corrigan, Alphabet and Hungry Sandwich Club. This is when I began arranging my own studio visits and going to more galleries and art based events. In second and third year I also attended Glug events which I find incredibly inspiring. I enjoy going to look at art and exhibitions. I think PPP is the best and my strongest because it's personal. It's all the things I want to do such as strong social media presence. Connecting with people and doing things that individually interest you. I find speaking to people such as my friend Alex who has already gone through the course and made it to the other side of employed and freelance life inspiring because he started from where I was and has made it his full time grind. It's always a huge concern whether or not your course can take you where you want to go and for the longest time and now I still am not 100% certain what I want to do but now I know what my strong points are and that getting involved and being proactive is so important and so easy to do. Sometimes it is just writing emails and getting a response but not being disheartened if someone doesn't reply straight away or at all. It's making phone calls. It's organising your own time as efficiently as possible. I find it's so much of not only what can I do for you but what can you do for me. Making the most of being a student and being around so many people even in different disciplines has proven so important over the past three years because it's all about building connections and friendships. Who knows the people you could've met in uni could do amazing things and you could help each other out in the future and with collaborations after university. I used to hate collabing. It was difficult to organise time, some people slack with work and some times ideas clash but I have found this year it's been a game changer and such a strong point if you pick the right people to work with. Overall, like every year I have enjoyed PPP the most and will continue to self motivate and attend events after university to be involved in industry as much as possible. 

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