Monday, May 7, 2018

OUGD602: Presentation Evaluation

I've always found presenting quite difficult. I get extremely nervous before and anxious on how I present myself but once I'm up and start speaking I feel fine. In my presentation I wanted to make it an honest journey of how I've felt this year. I explained my personal and professional progression through the year and admitted my biggest obstacle was finding motivation and the will to continue on with the course. As unfortunately this year I have not enjoyed the academic side of university as much as previous years. I think this is because having to write your own briefs and self motivating is extremely difficult. This is obviously why things like time management help. Alec has sent me some great youtube videos on that and general life and career motivation which have inspired me massively. I write to do lists everyday, sometimes big, sometimes small because even if I don't achieve it I have more to do the next day and some days I need to set realistic goals. I also write weekly plan lists so I can divide my days into when I have to go to work and university work then other things to do that could relate such as studio or gallery visits, trips etc.

I think presentations make people understand how hard you work. Obviously tutors and people can't keep tabs on what you're up to all the time especially out of university hours. I spoke about how hard it is working 4 times a week, night shifts, running my shop by social media and online orders and going to the post office every. day. along side doing university etc etc etc. Whereas I feel like that had been underestimated as me just being lazy.

I've worked on my shop a lot this year and it's something I want to expand after uni. I think being self employed is a direction I want to steer myself in because I find working in a large team and for people challenging and prefer to work on my own as I have complete control of everything. I would love to sell products wholesale to larger companies such as Urban Outfitters or Paperchase. I have sold wholesale twice once to a beauty blogger for personal use and then once to a start up beauty box. I found with those it was hard to figure out pricing and make a profit but I made it work and it gets rid of more stock efficiently and helps to share more of your products in an indirect way.

In my presentation I used dog pictures because they're cute and can distract the audience. They are light hearted and fun. Let's face it everyone loves dogs. Personally, they make me feel calm so it took a lot of pressure off at the beginning and end of the presentation.

Overall, I think it was a success and I'm happy with how it went for my final PPP presentation. 

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