Wednesday, May 9, 2018

OUGD602: PPP Presentation Plan

You will deliver a 10 minute presentation (powerpoint or similar) that communicates and summarises your individual creative ambitions, career plans, design strategies and professional activities.
These may include although not limited to:
Studio visits and open days
Industrial/work experience/placements
Professional activities
Live briefs
Visiting professional talks/workshops
Portfolio surgeries and creative CV workshops
Information of conferences, talks, exhibitions...
Timetables, schedules and strategies 



  • Been selling prints since first year made about 400/500 sales, online, in person etc. 
  • Had a stall at Girl Gangs Christmas craft fair 
  • Glug
  • Ideally I'd do something within social media applied for some 6 month places
  • Who are you as a designer
  • Likes making physical products



hi i'm natasha.
me as a designer - my aesthetic is quite cute, pastels, hand rendered.

one of my biggest obstacles this year has been balancing a job and uni.

basically had a breakdown didn't know if i could do uni anymore but was not willing to give up after making it to third year.

actually reached out for help and was given good advice and reassurance then found some time management videos and inspirational talks. 

what i've been up to this year - i'm quite entrepreneurial, i'm motivated by seeing physical products being produced which inspires me to design. after uni i would like to do my shop as a full time hustle and not a side hustle. and having them manufactured - show everythingisfine stuff i use companies such as awesome merch which i have used since i was in sixth form and have actually visited the physical studio as it's local to leeds. they were super friendly and it was interesting learning about the products and printing.

i have been selling prints, notebooks, pocket mirrors small business products and have made about 400/500 sales online and in person which i know isn't a lot but it was a good consistent start for me.

add customer photos.

i had a stall at girl gangs christmas craft fair and it's something i definitely want to participate more with in the future.

want to do renegade one year. 

on the theme of girl gangs i went to glug vs ladies wine and it was super inspiring hearing talks from influencial women in industry from all angles my favourites were talking about balance and work and home. 

networking is something that has always interested me in first year i created a blog based on conversations between creatives and students about industry and their content and aspirations.

i find i am most productive working collaboratively which is a change between first and second year, it's out of my comfort zone because i've always been scared of sharing ideas but i feel like i work better collaboratively because ideas bounce off each other - show photos from belgrave etc with anna - show photography instagram, just been trying to experiment with disciplines and collaboration. 

as for after university, i've applied for some 6 month and longer term placements in social media because that's something i can see myself doing. 

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