Sunday, March 13, 2016

OUGD402: Lord Whitney Design Studio Visit

We went for a talk and visit to Lord Whitney's design studio. It was interesting because they had told us they hadn't found each other until the final week of third year. They constantly worked after university to make things because they wanted to and continuously reminded us they were on a tight budget so things they would make would be from scraps of things or given to them. They essentially created their own design title. It shows that collaboration is very important. They were also asked if they ever get moments when they feel like they can't do it anymore and they said of course, everyone does but they motivate each other.

I think it was important to take away from the talk to always be passionate and ambitious. If you're genuinely interested in doing something you need to constantly be working at it. Even side projects. Get excited about things. You can't just want to be creative you must thrive on it. It needs to give you a buzz and energy to be doing things.

Presentation skills I learned from this was telling anecdotes makes the talk more engaging and because it's a memory you can recollect it much more easily than if you are trying to remember notes you prepared earlier. Their presentation was also very image heavy and linked all of their work through a series in their slides.

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