Monday, March 14, 2016

OUGD402: Studio Brief 3 - What I Need To Include In My Presentation

Studio Brief
Produce and present a 7 minute Powerpoint/pdf presentation that communicates a reflective summary of your experiences on the course to date. You should aim to reflect on who you are as a learner and a designer as well as how the things you have experienced over the past nine months have affected your current aims and ambitions. You should also identify creative concerns, personal aims and professional ambitions that you intend to explore further over the Summer and during Level 5 of the programme
Background / Considerations
Your own personal development as an individual and as a designer is affected by all aspects of your life. This is an opportunity to reflect on the experiences from the past nine months that have informed the decisions that you have made/are making about your future development.

The ability to reflect upon your personal development can help you to gain confidence in your abilities as well as identify areas of strength, focus, ambition and improvement.

What have you learned and what do you want to learn? What mistakes have you made and how have you learned from them? How will this affect your future development? What are your strengths and how have you/will you develop them further? What are your weaknesses and how do you intend to address these? What have you enjoyed and why? What have you disliked and why? How does this affect your ambitions? What did you want to get from the year? Have you achieved this? What have you discovered that you weren’t expecting?

Realistically, if I wanted to include every single one of these points the presentation would be longer than 7 minutes so I need to narrow down what I want to include and what I would be confident talking about. I'm going to do my presentation through an illustration so I can have bullet points but not bulky text.

1. How I felt before university and at the beginning of university.

This is to show progress, what I didn't know then I can expand and show what I have learned now later on in the presentation. This also allows me to talk about mistakes I have learned and what I wanted to work on during my time in first year so far. I just remembering being very afraid at my skill level as at the beginning it was non existent and I remember not feeling like I deserved my place on the course so it was always a challenge to me to prove that I did deserve a place.

2. I need to show examples of my work.

I could put in a mistake or a piece of work I'm proud of. I really what I produce outside of the degree. I feel more confident about it and am not afraid to get feedback on outside work so I would like to show examples of this. Possibly through showing my shop. (

3. How I feel now.

This links with the before phase. This will show I have learned a lot of things since being here. I can also link it to becoming more confident about the course which I think is a fundamental aspect of PPP. I am developing my practise so hopefully I should be learning how to speak to people in any type of creative or networking situation. I learned from meeting Alphabet that it can be informal and just to speak to people about their work especially if I'm genuinely interested in it.

4. Examples of people's work I enjoy. 

I really like illustrators such as Gemma Correll. My favourite is Sophie Corrigan because she creates very cute pun related cards and her designs have been sold to places like Paperchase which is something I would love to achieve. I like the style of Kate Moross' work. It's colourful and different to what I would produce but something I would be interested in experimenting with. I also really like minimal, clean graphic design but I'm not sure that it's very "me." Aesthetically, there is nothing nicer than a pristine surface and helvetica but it's quite generic.

5. My self branding project - Tea and Talks. For my self branding project I decided to take the approach of creating a collaborative project blog of Tea and Talks. This allows me the space to talk to creatives in the industry and outside. The concept is I speak to people over cups of tea and biscuits and ask about their current existing or evolving practise. It gives me insight into the industry because I feel like I know very limited amounts. It's more personal. So where I can I will speak to people face to face to gain insight on who they are or who they want to become. This idea came from listening to an interview styled talk and my fascination of speaking to strangers on trains. Not in a weird stranger danger way. In a way that it's interesting to learn fragments of people's lives within such a short space of time. It's bitter sweet that you never see those people again but you can learn so much about them. I found this conversational piece more beneficial to me in my current evolving practise than if I was just to stamp my name across a business card because as a first year graphic design student that almost means nothing. I am not good or confident enough with my current work for that to be of any practical use. I'm here to learn.

6. Progression into Level 5.

What I want to improve on. What I want to learn. I still need to improve on my time management skills. I definitely need to stop being scared to show my work and ask for feedback otherwise I will never progress especially within this industry. It's good being in a large class of creatives because people will see things that you don't within your designs and have a different outlook on your concepts. 

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