Thursday, March 3, 2016

OUGD402: Studio Brief 3 - Presentations Notes

"your vision of where or who you want to be is the greatest asset you have.

reflecting upon your experiences at this point in time.
working with a wide range of people

7 min verbal and visual presentation
reflective summary of your experiences of the course to date
reflect on learning experience
evolving design practise
aims and ambitions and how these may have changed
creatives concerns, personal aims and professional ambitions

self reflection is a key skill as a creative practitioner.
understand and articulate what you got from these projects.
highlight what you have learned and that you are on a learning journey.
neglect that you are here to learn; one thing to remember this is level 4.
this journey you are going through - things you are learning and reflecting.

the content of your presentation.
tone of voice - conscious decision of your tone of voice. humorous, serious, informal, informative.
presentations can be dry if they're linear. cover your work and work of other people that influence you.
experiences - it should be an experiential presentation - could be becoming independent, living away from parents or home town.
personality - it's really important your personality comes across, engaging otherwise it's going to be boring and dull. Don't try to evoke a style that isn't you. Let your personality come through in the presentation.
your learning journey - work of other designers, illustrators, exhibitions, film, music, documentary, anything that influences you.

your self branding
consistent / appropriate use of type
consistent /appropriate use of colour
use of a presentation template - consistency throughout the presentation that looks professional and you could be confident presenting in front of other people.
be humble, don't try to come across as arrogant and that you know everything.
have to include examples of your work.
each brief you need to be pushing yourself. pushing your practise further. learning new things.
don't try be someone you're not then no matter what happens you can recover.
at least 10 slides as a bare minimum.

be visual
don't give a speech. put on a show instead.

not to have loads of time

example of his work
example of other peoples work

start doing research into presentations
look at presentation slides

slides - only images.
a list - awareness of boring - humour
happiness - how he approaches his work - consistency."

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