Tuesday, March 15, 2016

OUGD402: Studio Brief 3 - What I'm Going To Include In My Presentation

I really wanted to include an illustration in my presentation because I feel like it looks more interactive. It looks like my thoughts and shows my personal interest in illustration as part of my practise. It keeps with a black and white theme to work in accordance to my self branding.

 This is a mistake I made at the beginning. This was my first time experimenting with illustrator to create my own typeface. This made me want to practise more.
This is what I feel like I have learned from the course so far. They are all still things I can improve on but I feel like I have made the most progress on so far. 

This demonstrates a doodle becoming a physical product. This was the first time I wasn't scared to ask for feedback and crit for a piece of work even though it was outside of the course.

This is my shop.

This is my favourite illustrator, Sophie Corrigan.

Examples of her work.

This is my self branding project. I wanted it to be a collaborative project with creatives to show engagement. It was important to me that LCA students feature on it because they are upcoming creatives. This is also a reflection of their experiences in first year. I found this more beneficial than just embossing my personal social medias on to everything as I am only currently first year and I have a LOT to learn.
Very surprisingly people have found it. Quite a few people have sent me messages saying things like "I've stumbled across this by chance and it's a brilliant idea" which was really nice and encouraging to hear but originally this website was only supposed to be for me so I could have a collection of the interviews and possibly upcoming LCA students so they could get a feel of current and past student experiences.
I made a stamp to go with my website.

I chose to use black and white because it always prints the same. I wanted to keep it very minimal and simple. Futura is friendly because it's quite rounded. It's simple but not understated and it's in Vignelli's canon.

If I was to have a business card it would be like an appointment card. Enough white space to put a time date and a place. 

 This is where I go from here and progress onto level 5. I need to sort my time managing out. I really want to find my visual identity and produce work that I am proud of. I need to stop being scared to show my work and ask for feedback. I need to stop being a push over with my work if I believe in a concept and have done the research. I need to stop avoiding things I find difficult. I feel like a lot of this term if I was struggling I wouldn't talk about it but it is so important to otherwise you would never get any help. It's a shame I only learned that recently.

What I didn't have time for:

I don't know if I want to work for a design studio or for a company. I think I would like to work in a collective of people. Similar to what Alphabet and Hungry Sandwich Club do. If I had to I would really like to work for Hallmark Creative Studio. This is because I really like their work and their style. I think that the job roles would be perfect for what I want to do so I would definitely like to look for a placement there. However, I need to do more research into it.

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